Outreach posts tagged as Observation
How practice without vision aids later seeing and predicting in a throwing task
[field_image_fid]Do you think that blindfolded practice of a motor skill would allow you to more accurately predict the outcomes of that skill when viewing a video of someone else performing it? Would you be able to improve in prediction ability as much as if you had full vision during practice? In the present study we set out to see how the physical and visual experiences contribute to enhancing one's ability to predict action outcomes. We ask whether motor experience is sufficient to make visually-based decisions about the outcomes of another's action.
Do your movements have a “mind” of their own? When watching leads to unintended doing
[field_image_fid]Many movements we perform on a daily basis are preplanned in our brains well before we intend to execute them. For example, when a sprinter takes the blocks in a race, they have a very good idea of what movements they need to produce when the starting signal is heard. If this starting sound is above a certain level (124 dB) it may elicit what is called a startle response.