
Welcome to the Motor Skills Lab in the School of Kinesiology at UBC! Here we study practice. We commonly conduct lab experiments with new learners, to determine how and why various practice variables, such as instruction, feedback and order of practice, impact motor learning and transfer.

These tasks range from relatively novel, yet easy to acquire skills, such as adapting to new visual environments, learning 2-handed coordination actions and key-press sequencing, to more true-to-life skills, like kicking, throwing and juggling.

We also learn about practice by studying people who are already skilled. Motor experts provide a rich source of information about practice histories and current practice habits to give insights into what practice entails to develop expert-like performance.

A complementary aim in our lab is to provide a rich 'learning' environment for researchers at the undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral level. We aim to provide an inclusive, equitable and diverse environment for study and I am particularly keen to hear from individuals in communities/groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in academia and Science, such as women and BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour).