Creativitypost - This is a great site for learning more about expertise and all things, creativity related (Dr Scott Barry Kaufman also interviews researchers in his Psychology posdcast;
Perception & Action Podcasts - A series of podcasts started by Dr Rob Gray at Arizona State University. Lots of sport-related examples. Check it out!
RIO group (Researchers in Imagery and Observation) - UK group of researchers
NASPSPA (North American Society for Sport Psychology and Physical Activity)
SCAPPS/CSPLP (Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Physical Activity)
Motor Skills Lab "Community" Presentations.
Many of the members of our lab. have spoken about various aspects of "practice" to coaches, PE teachers and sports organizations. Below are some of the more recent presentations . Please get in contact if you would like to know more about our outreach endeavours.
Optimizing Practice: Understanding difficulty as it relates to your athlete
Physical guidance: Consequences of lending a helping hand
Motor skill consolidation: Learning while resting or sleeping
Perceptual-cognitive skills: What to look for and how to train them
Room 300, War Memorial Gym School of Kinesiology University of British Columbia 210 - 6081 University Blvd. Vancouver BC V6T 1Z1 Canada