Outreach posts tagged as observational learning
Combining watching and doing: mixing practice methods is beneficial for motor learning
[field_image_fid]How can we make learning through physical practice more effective? A wealth of evidence suggests that watching others successfully performing a task can augment our own learning, when combined with physical practice. However, there is limited scientific guidance on the most effective way to combine observational and physical practice.
Limits to learning by observing: when learning by doing leads to differences in brain activity and behaviours in comparison to observation only
[field_image_fid]Practitioners often use “learning by observation” when teaching new skills; however, there is limited research on how the brain - behavioural responses compare with “learning by doing”. We compared the brain responses when performing and watching a novel joystick-tracing task in three groups: a physical practice group, an observational practice group and a group that had no practice. We then compared their behavioural performance during retention. Following physical practice when all groups watched a video of the task, there was activation in motor regions bilaterally.