NASPSPA, in Vancouver June 11th- 14th 2020 for researchers and coaches ONLINE
NASPSPA will now be ONLINE, June 11th - 14th 2020. This is a conference for people interested in sport psychology, motor control and motor learning (skill acquisition), motor development and many things in between (expert performance, coaching, movement analytics).
Please see website for more details:
ON SUNDAY -- there will be a special post-conference symposium:
Psychology of high quality coaching: Translating research into practice
Organized and facilitated by Harjiv Singh (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), David Hill (Canadian Sport Institute, Pacific), Frank Ely (University of Windsor), and David Anderson (San Francisco State University)
What does the latest research in motor behavior and sport and exercise psychology tell us about optimizing performance in sport? Does contemporary coaching practice reflect recent discoveries? Are coaches innovating on their own and do their innovations have implications for contemporary research agendas in sports science? What barriers do researchers face in highlighting the relevance of their discoveries to coaches and what barriers do coaches face in communicating the needs of practitioners and athletes to researchers? Can we bridge the gaps between theory and practice and, if so, what are the most effective ways of bridging them? These are some of the many questions participants will address in NASPSPA’s inaugural post-conference symposium “Psychology of High Quality Coaching: Translating Research into Practice.” This full-day symposium brings together experienced coaches and high profile researchers in motor behavior and sport and exercise psychology to discuss how best to translate cutting-edge research into coaching practice. Discussions will be organized around key topics that include: youth sports, positive youth development, talent identification and development, innovative practice, and building team cohesion. The symposium is designed for researchers who are interested in gaining a foothold in the communities of practitioners who consume their research and coaches and athletes who seek to gain an advantage over their competitors. The symposium will be an excellent networking opportunity for researchers and practitioners alike. Coaches will have many opportunities to pose questions to researchers and researchers will have many opportunities to pose questions to coaches.