Online study on dyad learning (through partnership with University of Toronto)
Participants needed for an online study investigating social motor learning
The Action & Attention Laboratory at the University of Toronto is recruiting participants for an online study investigating the impact of a social environment on the learning of a motor skill. This 2-day experiment involves a keypress task and the completion of various questionnaires.
The study requires the use of your own personal computer and keyboard, at a location of your choice. To participate, you must:
• Be between the ages of 18 and 30 years
• Be right-hand dominant
• Have normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing
• Have not practiced any variation of a keypress task within the previous 5 years
Compensation will be provided to all participants at a rate of $15/hr (e-gift card). The experiment will take approximately 90 minutes to complete.
For more information or to volunteer for this study, please contact one of the following research assistants:
Contact: Cindy Email: Status: Closed