Research in the Motor Skills Lab. has been supported by funds from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) as well as the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Although the mandates of these research councils differ, each of our programs of research are guided primarily by the desire to understand the principles which guide motor control and learning and skill acquisition and expert performance.
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The SSHRC funded research has been designed to look at effective instruction, optimal conditions of practice and attainment and maintenance of high performance in sport. For the NSERC funded research we have been studying the relationships between observation and action, with a focus on the attainment of coordination skills. We are starting to become more involved in the applications of more basic motor performance and learning research for people with movement disorders (Downs Syndrome and stroke), which formed the basis of funding (New Investigator award) from CIHR.
Our fields of research can be broadly defined into 4 domains. To date, the majority of our research is encompassed by the first 2 headings (skill acquisition & expertise).
Our fields of research
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