People past and present

Name Position Research Year
Nicola Hodges Lab director Motor learning 2005 View publications
Avi Mehrotra Masters student Eye gaze and head tracking 2023 View publications
AnnaMae Pond Masters student Motor imagery, cross-limb transfer 2023 View publications
Jean Fabrice Undergraduate Challenge, difficulty and motor learning 2023 View publications
Felix Weilharter Masters student Visiting Masters Student from U Konstanz. Mentally effortful processes in force production 2023 View publications
Porter Trevisan Masters student Sport skill development and dyad learning 2023 View publications
Ryan Jin Undergraduate Motor adaptation and motor imagery and observation 2022
Minghao Ma Undergraduate Action anticipation, motor imagery 2022
Matthew Scott Postdoctoral Imagery and Observation 2022 View publications
Aneesha Mehta Undergraduate Soccer pathways 2021
