News and events

SSHRC award to study women and girl's soccer Posted 08 Jul 2018
We have just been awarded a SSHRC Insight Grant, funded through Sport Canada's Sport Participation Research Initiative (SPRI), to study Longitudinal engagement in female soccer: Analysis of developmental pathways related to success. The aim is to identify factors which contribute to continued participation through adolescence (at various levels of competition). The aim is to better understand the factors which facilitate successful transitions through particular developmental periods of sports participation and how these are related to early sport involvement choices and pathways.
NASPSPA conference, Denver, Colorado, 2018 Posted 20 Jun 2018
David Hendry and Nicola Hodges will be presenting at NASPSPA this week in Denver, Colorado.Keith Lohse, former post doc in the lab. will give the Early Career Scholar Lecture, congratulations Keith!David Hendry, Mark Williams, Nicola Hodges. "A prospective study of skill development in elite soccer based on practice and play hours and coach ratings of skills"Nicola Hodges, April Karlinsky "When practice together moderates how we practice, yet not to the detriment of our own learning"
Utah High Performance Sport Conference Posted 12 Jun 2018
The University of Utah Sports Medicine and Science Initiative in conjunction with the US Olympic Committee presents a one-day conference on “Identifying and Developing High-Performance Athletes” June 19, 2018. SLC, Utah, USA.
graduating students May 2018 Posted 30 May 2018
Congratulations to Dr David Hendry in convocating last thursday with a PhD! Also, congratulations to Teresa Chang in graduating from her BKIN with an impressive GPA! Well done to both, it was great being there to watch and congratulate with you and your families. All the best in your futures!
Bradley Young, Kinesiology Seminar speaker Posted 03 Apr 2018
 Rudy north lecture Theatre, Tuesday April 17th, 12:30-2pm.Lunch available beforehand.
David Hendry PhD defence Posted 03 Apr 2018
 April 16th, 12:30pm in the Graduate Student Centre. 
New publications (free reprints until Mar 30th) regarding skill development in soccer by grad. student David Hendry, well done David! Posted 08 Feb 2018
1) Psychology of Sport and Exercisefree reprint until march 30thEarly majority engagement pathway best defines transitions from youth to adult elite men's soccer in the UK: A three time-point retrospective and prospective study2) Journal of Sports Sciences
Canada Women's Soccer "experience" Posted 04 Jan 2018
I recently got to spend some time observing and providing consultancy to the Canadian Women's National Soccer team in their lead up to the USA friendly game in November. This was a great and  challenging experience...applying what I write, talk about and research to a high performance sport setting. I'm hoping that this collaboration will continue into 2018.
Dr Chris Button to visit the Motor Skills Lab Posted 17 Oct 2017
Chris will be presenting to the lab. on Friday October 20th. He is currently in town for the "drowning prevention conference" which is being held in downtown Vancouver.
Upcoming conferences: October and November 2017 Posted 26 Sep 2017
SCAPPS -- Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology | Société Canadienne D'Apprentissage Psychomoteur et de Psychologie du Sport.Annual conference in St John's Newfoundland, hosted by Memorial University. October 12th - 14th 2017PSYCHONOMICS -- 58TH Annual meeting, to be held in Vancouver, November 9th-12th 2017
