News and events

Congrats May 2016 Graduates Posted 26 May 2016
A great ceremony today, especially for people from the lab. Congratulations to Shawn Hetherington on his MKIN degree and to Jamie Hawke and Emily Brewer for obtaining their BKIN degrees. Also, a big congratulations too to Brennan Chan on received his DUAL degrees in Science and Music! Well done all and best wishes in your future careers.
Dr Cate Madill from U Sydney is visiting the lab Posted 26 May 2016
Cate will be visiting us again from May 25th-June 1st. She will be talking about her new award and recent research where she has been trying to advance teaching of voice-related motor skills using principles of motor skill acquisition: 
Former postdoc, Dr Keith Lohse, gives a great interview! Posted 18 Mar 2016
Keith was interviewed by Dr Rob Gray on his perception action podcast yesterday. He gave an excellent interview and chatted about some work he did here at UBC. 
Special Issue on Sport Expertise now in print Posted 02 Mar 2016
I am very pleased to announce that the Journal Special Issue, which Joe Baker and I edited for the International Jn of Sport Psychology in honour of Dr Janet Starkes' contribution to the field of sport expertise, has now been published. Because of the numerous contributions the special issue has been divided into 2 issues. The first was published in Dec 2015 (vol 46, 6) and the second (vol 47, 1) is due in print March 2016.
Congratualtions on your successful PhD defence Desmond Mulligan Posted 02 Mar 2016
April 1st, 2016 at 12:30pm. Room to be announced (provisionally rm 203, Grad Student Centre), stay tuned.Title: EVIDENCE FOR THE NEUROMOTOR SIMULATION HYPOTHESIS IN ACTION PREDICTION Committee: Drs Romeo Chua and Todd HandyUBC examiners: Drs Alan Kingston and Miriam SperingExternal examiner: Dr Robin Jackson (U Loughorough, UK/formerly at Brunel Uni)
Upcoming Sport Expertise Event_Montreal_June15th Posted 19 Jan 2016
Seeing the forest and the trees: Theoretical and practical issues in sport expertise
Our lab. research cited on podcast Posted 19 Jan 2016
Rob Gray from Arizona State University has started an excellent podcast. This is a fantastic resource for motor learning geeks (like us), as well as coaches, sport scientists and general motor control /experimental psychologists with an interest in perception, action and its application.
SCAPPS conference, Oct 15th-17th in Edmonton Posted 22 Sep 2015
The Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology (SCAPPS) had its beginnings in Edmonton in 1969 as a meeting of scholars, both faculty and graduate students, interested in research in psychomotor learning and sport psychology. It was founded as a society in Banff, Alberta, in 1977.Please see the SCAPPS website for more information.
April Karlinsky advances to candidacy Posted 16 Jun 2015
Congratualtions April. Thesis title: Motor Learning through a social lens
Professor Mark Williams and students to visit Lab in June Posted 14 May 2015
Mark Williams will be visiting us in the Motor Skills Lab June 8th and 9th. If you would like to arrange a meeting please let me know.
