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“Modelling coaching practice: The role of instruction and demonstration”, Journal of Sport Sciences, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1-19, 2002.
, “What are the ingredients for success? Practice, play, match-play specialization and sporting diversity”, Insight: The FA Coaches Association Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 35-37, 2002.
, “The role of video feedback in coaching football skills”, Insight: The FA Coaches Association Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 43-45, 2003.
, “The role of video in facilitating perception and action of a novel coordination movement”, Journal of Motor Behavior, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 247-260, 2003.
, “Skill acquisition in soccer: From principles to practice”, in Science and Soccer, 2nd ed., London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 189-213.
, “Deliberate practice and expert performance: Defining the path to excellence”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1st ed., London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 231-258.
, “Deliberate practice and expert performance: Defining the path to excellence”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1st ed., London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 231-258.
, “Instructions, demonstrations and the learning process: creating and constraining movement options”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 145 - 174.
, “Instructions, demonstrations and the learning process: creating and constraining movement options”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 145 - 174.
, “The nature of feedback”, in Notational analysis of sport: Systems for better coaching and performance in sport, 2ndnd ed., London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 17-39.
, “Predicting Performance Times From Deliberate Practice Hours for Triathletes and Swimmers: What, When, and Where Is Practice Important?”, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 219 - 237, 2004.
, Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1stst ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2004.
, “Changes in coordination, control and outcome as a result of extended practice on a novel motor skill”, Ergonomics, vol. 48, no. 11-14, pp. 1672 - 1685, 2005.
, “An evaluation of the minimal constraining information during observation for movement reproduction”, Acta Psychologica, vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 264 - 282, 2005.
, “Modelling relative motion to facilitate intra-limb coordination”, Human Movement Science, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 446 - 463, 2005.
, “On-line attentional-focus manipulations in a soccer dribbling task: Implications for the proceduralization of motor skills”, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, vol. 37, pp. 386 - 394., 2005.
, “Practice, instruction and skill acquisition in soccer: Challenging tradition”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 637-650, 2005.
, “The Relative Effectiveness of Various Instructional Approaches in Developing Anticipation Skill.”, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 98 - 110, 2005.
, “The relative effects of demonstrations and outcome information in the teaching of novel motor skills”, in Science and Football V: The Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Sports Science and Football , Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, p. 94.
, “Visual search and coordination changes in response to video and point-light demonstrations in the absence of intrinsic knowledge of results”, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, vol. 37, pp. 265 - 274, 2005.
, “A comparison of intra- and inter-limb relative motion information in modelling a novel motor skill”, Human Movement Science, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 753 - 766, 2006.
, “End-point trajectory matching as a method for teaching kicking skills”, International Journal of Sport Psychology, vol. 37, no. 2/3, pp. 230-247, 2006.
, “End-point trajectory matching as a method for teaching kicking skills”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 37, pp. 230 - 247, 2006.
, “Expert performance in sport”, in Cambridge Handbook of Expertise, 1st ed., New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 471-488.
, “Expert performance in sport: A cognitive perspective”, in The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 1st ed., 2006, pp. 471-488.