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Filters: Author is Nicola Hodges and Keyword is Action observation [Clear All Filters]
“Demonstration as a rate enhancer to changes in coordination during early skill acquisition”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 599 - 614, 2007.
, “The efficacy of demonstrations in teaching children an unfamiliar movement skill: The effects of object-orientated actions and point-light demonstrations”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 559 - 575, 2007.
, “End-point focus manipulations to determine what information is used during observational learning”, Acta Psychologica, vol. 126, no. 2, pp. 120 - 137, 2007.
, “What is modelled during observational learning?”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 531 - 545, 2007.
, “A comparison of intra- and inter-limb relative motion information in modelling a novel motor skill”, Human Movement Science, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 753 - 766, 2006.
, “Perceiving patterns of play in dynamic sport tasks: Investigating the essential information underlying skilled performance”, Perception, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 317 - 332, 2006.
, “Scaling a motor skill through observation and practice”, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, vol. 38 , pp. 357 - 366, 2006.
, “An evaluation of the minimal constraining information during observation for movement reproduction”, Acta Psychologica, vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 264 - 282, 2005.
, “Modelling relative motion to facilitate intra-limb coordination”, Human Movement Science, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 446 - 463, 2005.
, “Practice, instruction and skill acquisition in soccer: Challenging tradition”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 23, no. 6, pp. 637-650, 2005.
, “The relative effects of demonstrations and outcome information in the teaching of novel motor skills”, in Science and Football V: The Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Sports Science and Football , Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, p. 94.
, “Visual search and coordination changes in response to video and point-light demonstrations in the absence of intrinsic knowledge of results”, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, vol. 37, pp. 265 - 274, 2005.
, “Instructions, demonstrations and the learning process: creating and constraining movement options”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 145 - 174.
, “Instructions, demonstrations and the learning process: creating and constraining movement options”, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 145 - 174.
, “The role of video in facilitating perception and action of a novel coordination movement”, Journal of Motor Behavior, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 247-260, 2003.
, “Modelling coaching practice: The role of instruction and demonstration”, Journal of Sport Sciences, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 1-19, 2002.
, “Modelling coaching practice: the role of instruction and demonstration”, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 793 - 811, 2001.