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Filters: Author is Hayes, S.J. and Keyword is Action observation  [Clear All Filters]
D. Maslovat, Hayes, S. J., Horn, R., and Hodges, N. J., Motor learning through observation, in Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioural Perspectives, D. Elliott and Khan, M. A., Eds. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, 2010, pp. 315 -340.
N. J. Hodges, Hayes, S. J., Breslin, G., and Williams, A. M., An evaluation of the minimal constraining information during observation for movement reproduction, Acta Psychologica, vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 264 - 282, 2005.
S. J. Hayes, Horn, R., Hodges, N. J., Scott, M. A., and Williams, A. M., The relative effects of demonstrations and outcome information in the teaching of novel motor skills, in Science and Football V: The Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Sports Science and Football , Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, p. 94.