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N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice (3rd ed), 3rdrd ed. London: Routledge (Taylor Francis), 2019, p. 364.
A. M. Williams and Hodges, N. J., Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1stst ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2004.
N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Skill Acquisition in Sport II: Research, Theory and Practice, 2ndnd ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2012.
A. M. Williams, Horn, R., and Hodges, N. J., Skill acquisition in soccer: From principles to practice, in Science and Soccer, 2nd ed., T. Reilly and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge, 2003, pp. 189-213.
N. J. Hodges and Ford, P., Skill acquisition in dynamic ball sports: Monitoring and controlling action-effects, in Motor Learning in Practice: A Constraints-Led Approach, K. Davids, Savelsbergh, G., and Renshaw, I., Eds. London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 199-210.
D. Mulligan, McCracken, J., and Hodges, N. J., Situational familiarity and its relation to decision quality in ice-hockey, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2012.
M. W. Scott, Howard, J., Karlinsky, A., Mehta, A., Welsh, T. N., and Hodges, N. J., Short-term evidence of partner-induced performance biases in simultaneous and alternating dyad practice in golf, Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 1, 2023.
C. M. Peters, Hendry, D. T., and Hodges, N., A scoping review on developmental activities of girls' and women's sports, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, vol. 4, 2022.
S. J. Hayes, Hodges, N. J., Horn, R., Scott, M. A., and Williams, A. M., Scaling a motor skill through observation and practice, JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR, vol. 38 , pp. 357 - 366, 2006.
W. Helsen, Hodges, N. J., Starkes, J. L., and Van Winckel, J., The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 18, pp. 727-736, 2000.
W. F. Helsen, Hodges, N. J., Winckel, V. J., and Starkes, J. L., The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise, Journal of Sports Sciences, vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 727 - 736, 2001.
N. J. Hodges, Chua, R., and Franks, I. M., The role of video in facilitating perception and action of a novel coordination movement, Journal of Motor Behavior, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 247-260, 2003.
N. J. Hodges, The role of video feedback in coaching football skills, Insight: The FA Coaches Association Journal, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 43-45, 2003.
P. Ford, Hodges, N. J., Huys, R., and Williams, A. M., The role of external action-effects in the execution of a soccer kick: A comparison across skill-level, Motor Control, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 386-404, 2006.
P. Ford, Ward, P., Hodges, N. J., and Williams, A. M., The role of domain-specific motor skills and diversity as antecedents to career progression and regression, High Ability Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 65-75, 2009.
P. Ford, Ward, P., Hodges, N. J., and Williams, A. M., The role of deliberate practice and play in career progression in sport: the early engagement hypothesis, High Ability Studies, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 65 - 75, 2009.
N. J. Hodges and Lee, T. D., The role of augmented information prior to learning a bimanual visual-motor coordination task: Do instructions of the movement pattern facilitate learning relative to discovery learning?, British Journal of Psychology, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 389 - 403, 1999.
P. Ward, Hodges, N. J., Starkes, J. L., and Williams, A. M., The road to excellence: deliberate practice and the development of expertise, High Ability Studies, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 119 - 153, 2007.
L. E. M. Grierson, Welsh, T. N., Hansen, S., Hodges, N. J., Hayes, S. J., Lyons, J., and Elliott, D., The Response Activation Model and Cross-Modal Facilitation and Inhibition of Return: A Trajectory Analysis, The Open Psychology Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 35 - 41, 2008.
D. Maslovat, Hodges, N. J., Chua, R., and Franks, I. M., Researching co-ordination skill, in Motor Learning in Practice: A Constraints-Led Approach, K. Davids, Savelsbergh, G., and Renshaw, I., Eds. London: Routledge, 2010, pp. 221-230.
S. J. Hayes, Horn, R., Hodges, N. J., Scott, M. A., and Williams, A. M., The relative effects of demonstrations and outcome information in the teaching of novel motor skills, in Science and Football V: The Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Sports Science and Football , Lisbon, Portugal, 2005, p. 94.
N. J. Smeeton, Williams, A. M., Hodges, N. J., and Ward, P., The Relative Effectiveness of Various Instructional Approaches in Developing Anticipation Skill., Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 98 - 110, 2005.
N. J. Hodges and Franks, I. M., The provision of information, in Essentials of Performance Analysis, M. Hughes and Franks, I. M., Eds. Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2008, pp. 21-39.
N. J. Hodges, Providing movement demonstrations and instructions when coaching new movement skills: Some cautionary advice, Insight: The FA Coaches Association Journal, vol. 4, pp. 34-35, 2001.
N. J. Hodges, Kerr, T. L., Starkes, J. L., Weir, P. L., and Nananidou, A., Predicting Performance Times From Deliberate Practice Hours for Triathletes and Swimmers: What, When, and Where Is Practice Important?, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 219 - 237, 2004.
