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P. Ford, Hodges, N. J., and Williams, A. M., Creating Champions: The Development of Expertise in Sports, in Beyond Talent or Practice: The Complexity of Greatness, S. Kaufman, Ed. Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 391-413.
D. T. Hendry and Hodges, N. J., Getting on the right track: Athlete-centred practice for expert performance in sport, in Routledge Handbook of Sports Performance Analysis, T. McGarry, Sampaio, J., and O'Donaghue, P., Eds. Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2013, pp. 5-20.
N. J. Hodges and Ste-Marie, D. S., Observation as an instructional method, in Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory into Practice, 2nd Ed, D. Farrow, Baker, J., and MacMahon, C., Eds. Routledge, 2013, pp. 115-128.
K. Lohse, Shirzad, N., Verster, A., Hodges, N. J., and Van der Loos, M. H. F., Video Games and Rehabilitation: Using Design Principles to Enhance Engagement in Physical Therapy, Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 166 - 175, 2013.
D. Maslovat, Chua, R., and Hodges, N. J., When unintended movements “leak” out: A startling acoustic stimulus can elicit a prepared response during motor imagery and action observation, Neuropsychologia, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 838 - 844, 2013.
C. L. Edwards and Hodges, N. J., Acquiring a novel coordination movement with non-task goal related variability, Open Sports Science Journal, vol. 5, 2012.
C. L. Edwards and Hodges, N. J., Acquiring a Novel Coordination Movement with Non-task Goal Related Variability, The Open Sports Sciences Journal, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 59 - 67, 2012.
G. Breslin, Hodges, N. J., Steenson, A., and Williams, A. M., Constant or variable practice: Recreating the especial skill effect, Acta Psychologica, vol. 140, no. 2, pp. 154 - 157, 2012.
N. T. Ong, Larssen, B. C., and Hodges, N. J., In the absence of physical practice, observation and imagery do not result in the updating of internal models for aiming, Experimental Brain Research, 2012.
N. T. Ong and Hodges, N. J., Mixing it up a little. How to schedule observational practice, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, 2nd ed., N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 22-39.
N. T. Ong and Hodges, N. J., Mixing it up a little. How to schedule observational practice, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, 2nd ed., N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 22-39.
N. J. Hodges and Campagnaro, P., Physical guidance research: Assisting principles and supporting evidence, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 150-169.
N. J. Hodges and Campagnaro, P., Physical guidance research: Assisting principles and supporting evidence, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 150-169.
D. Mulligan, McCracken, J., and Hodges, N. J., Situational familiarity and its relation to decision quality in ice-hockey, International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2012.
N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Skill Acquisition in Sport II: Research, Theory and Practice, 2ndnd ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2012.
B. C. Larssen, Ong, N. T., and Hodges, N. J., Watch and Learn: Seeing Is Better than Doing when Acquiring Consecutive Motor Tasks, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 6, p. e38938, 2012.
S. Sinnett, Hodges, N. J., Chua, R., and Kingstone, A., Embodiment of motor skills when observing expert and novice athletes, The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 657 - 668, 2011.
N. J. Hodges and Baker, J., Expertise: The goal of performance development, in Performance Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide, 1st ed., D. Collins, Button, A., and Richards, H., Eds. Oxford: Elsevier Publishers, 2011, pp. 31-46.
N. J. Hodges, Edwards, C. L., Luttin, S., and Bowcock, A., Learning from the experts: Gaining insights into best practice during the acquisition of three novel motor skills, Research Quartely for Exercise and Sport, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. 178-188, 2011.
D. Maslovat, Hodges, N. J., Chua, R., and Franks, I. M., Motor preparation and the effects of practice: Evidence from startle., Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 226 - 240, 2011.
