Publications list

Found 154 results
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Skill Acquisition in Sport II: Research, Theory and Practice, 2ndnd ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2012.
A. M. Williams and Hodges, N. J., Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1stst ed. London: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2004.
N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice (3rd ed), 3rdrd ed. London: Routledge (Taylor Francis), 2019, p. 364.
Book Chapter
P. Ford, Hodges, N. J., and Williams, A. M., Creating Champions: The Development of Expertise in Sports, in Beyond Talent or Practice: The Complexity of Greatness, S. Kaufman, Ed. Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 391-413.
P. Ward, Hodges, N. J., Williams, A. M., and Starkes, J. L., Deliberate practice and expert performance: Defining the path to excellence, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 1st ed., A. M. Williams and Hodges, N. J., Eds. London: Routledge, 2004, pp. 231-258.
J. L. Starkes, Deakin, J. M., Allard, F., Hodges, N. J., and Hayes, A., Deliberate practice: What is it anyway?, in The Road to Excellence: The Acquisition of Expert Performance in the Arts and Sciences, Sports and Games, 1st ed., A. K. Ericsson, Ed. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996, pp. 81-106.
K. R. Lohse and Hodges, N. J., Developing motor skills in practice: A case of mastering ‘heelflips’, in APPLIED SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY: PRACTITIONER CASE STUDIES. , Wiley, 2016, pp. 261-278.
N. J. Hodges, Starkes, J. L., and MacMahon, C., Expert performance in sport, in Cambridge Handbook of Expertise, 1st ed., N. Charness, Ericsson, A. K., Hoffman, R. R., and Feltovich, P., Eds. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006, pp. 471-488.
N. Hodges, Starkes, J., and McMahon, C., Expert performance in sport: A cognitive perspective, in The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, 1st ed., 2006, pp. 471-488.
N. J. Hodges and Baker, J., Expertise: The goal of performance development, in Performance Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide, 1st ed., D. Collins, Button, A., and Richards, H., Eds. Oxford: Elsevier Publishers, 2011, pp. 31-46.
D. T. Hendry and Hodges, N. J., Getting on the right track: Athlete-centred practice for expert performance in sport, in Routledge Handbook of Sports Performance Analysis, T. McGarry, Sampaio, J., and O'Donaghue, P., Eds. Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2013, pp. 5-20.
N. J. Hodges and Franks, I. M., Instructions, demonstrations and the learning process: creating and constraining movement options, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, A. M. Williams and Hodges, N. J., Eds. London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 145 - 174.
A. Karlinsky, Welsh, T. N., and Hodges, N. J., Learning together: Observation and other mechanisms which mediate shared practice contexts, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 3rdrd ed., London: Routledge (Taylor Francis), 2019.
N. J. Hodges, Huys, R., and Starkes, J. L., A methodological review and evaluation of research of expert performance in sport, in Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd ed., G. Tenenbaum and Eklund, R., Eds. NY: Wiley, 2007, pp. 161-183.
N. T. Ong and Hodges, N. J., Mixing it up a little. How to schedule observational practice, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, 2nd ed., N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 22-39.
J. Vecchione, Madill, C., and Hodges, N. J., Modifying technique in closed self-paced motor tasks, in Ritual Behavior in Sport: The Psychology of Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks – to Routledge, Routledge (Taylor Francis), 2022.
J. Vecchione, Madill, C., and Hodges, N. J., Modifying Technique in Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks, in Ritual Behavior in Sport: The Psychology of Closed Self-Paced Motor Tasks – to Routledge, Routledge.
N. T. Ong and Hodges, N. J., Motor learning, in The Routledge International Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Vol 1: Theoretical & Methodological Concepts, vol. 1, 2 vol., 2020.
D. Maslovat, Hayes, S. J., Horn, R., and Hodges, N. J., Motor learning through observation, in Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioural Perspectives, D. Elliott and Khan, M. A., Eds. Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics, 2010, pp. 315 -340.
D. Mulligan and Hodges, N. J., Motor simulation in action prediction; Sport specific considerations., in Anticipation and decision making in sport, 1st ed., London: Routledge, 2019.
N. J. Hodges and Franks, I. M., The nature of feedback, in Notational analysis of sport: Systems for better coaching and performance in sport, 2ndnd ed., M. Hughes and Franks, I. M., Eds. London: Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2004, pp. 17-39.
N. J. Hodges and Ste-Marie, D. S., Observation as an instructional method, in Developing Sport Expertise: Researchers and Coaches Put Theory into Practice, 2nd Ed, D. Farrow, Baker, J., and MacMahon, C., Eds. Routledge, 2013, pp. 115-128.
N. J. Hodges and Campagnaro, P., Physical guidance research: Assisting principles and supporting evidence, in Skill Acquisition in Sport: Research, Theory and Practice, 2nd edition, N. J. Hodges and Williams, A. M., Eds. London: Routledge/Taylor&Francis, 2012, pp. 150-169.
T. D. Lee, Chamberlin, C. J., and Hodges, N. J., Practice, in Handbook of Sport Psychology, 2nd ed., R. Singer, Hausenblas, H., and Janelle, C., Eds. New York: Wiley, 2001, pp. 115-143.
N. J. Hodges and Franks, I. M., The provision of information, in Essentials of Performance Analysis, M. Hughes and Franks, I. M., Eds. Routledge (Taylor and Francis group), 2008, pp. 21-39.
